Friday , September 20 2024
Breaking News
  • Forex Trading Signals

    They recommend the buy or sell price of an Intra-day or swing position, along with the first and second take profit targets, the stop loss level and the trade conviction for the position.

  • Forex Training Courses

    They are 12 one-to-one sessions, each for 30 minutes, designed and presented to you by top analysts and real traders to take you step by step up the ladder of success.

  • Managed Forex Accounts

    We share loses -if they occurred- at the same ratio we share profits.

شراء الفضة على 21.65

شراء الفضة على الأسعار أعلى من 21.50 مستهدفا 22.50 كهدف أول  و 23.10 كهدف ثاني.
 وقف الخسارة باغلاق أدنى من 21.30، مع احتمالية التراجع نحو 21.00 و 20.50.  السبب مستوى …

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مؤشر قناة السلع (CCI)

مؤشر قناة السلع يقيس انحراف سعر السلعة عن متوسط سعرها الإحصائي. القيم العالية من المؤشر تشير إلى أن الأسعار مرتفعة بشكل غير عادي بالمقارنة هو متوسطها, و القيم المنخفضة تدل …

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بيع اليورو بهدف ١.٣٠٧٠

نقطة الارتكاز:1.3250 بيع الزوج على الأسعار ادنى من 1.3250 مستهدفا 1.3130 و 1.3060 كهدف ثاني وقف الخسارة باغلاق فوق 1.3280، مع احتمالية الارتداد نحو 1.3350 و 1.34السبب: قمة القناة الصاعدة. …

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  • FXCM Review

    FXCM are acknowledged to be one of the biggest Forex brokers in the world. Founded 15 years ago and listed on the New York Stock Exchange, they claim market capitalization of nearly $1.5bn. They are regulated by the National Futures Association and tirelessly campaign for tighter regulation in the Forex market. They made the statement "Regulated around the globe" possible, proven by offices providing full operations in the UK, Germany, the US, Australia, Italy, Greece, China and Japan, as well as affiliate companies in Israel, Lebanon, Canada and Chile, giving them a near global coverage.

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  • FXLORDS | Easy Forex Thumbnail

    Easy Forex Review

  • X Global Markets

    XGlobal Markets Review

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