The high and low ends of the Marubozu candlestick represents the opening or closing price of the candlestick, and in some case, the highest price and the lowest price during that period.
Marubozu – Japanese Candlestick
Japanese Candlestick Analysis
The black or white Marubozo Candlesticks are long white or black candlestick that have no shadow on both ends. It is a very strong Japanese candlestick pattern of which it indicates the reversal / continuation of the trend depending on the setting during which the Marubozu candlestick occurred.
The high and low ends of the Marubozu candlestick represents the opening or closing price of the candlestick, and in some case, the highest price and the lowest price during that period. The white Marubozu candlestick is formed when the opening price is equal to the lowest price during a time period or close to it, and the closing price is equal to the highest price of the candlestick, which indicates that the buyers have taken control of the price movement from the beginning of the time period until the end of the same time period. A Marubozu black candlestick is formed when the opening price is equal to the highest price during a time period or close to it and to be equal to the closing price or the lowest price of the candle, which indicates that the sellers had taken control of the price movement from the beginning of the time period until the end of the same time period.
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